Reason for “Market not Found” Error on Bluestacks:
Many people complain that when they
search for an app on Bluestacks, it says “Market not found. Search web
for installation recipe”. It is because Bluestacks cannot detect any
installed local market. Whenever you install an app, it searches for a
market (appstore) to get the installer file. And when it does not find
it, the “Market not Found” error is reflected to you.
Earlier, the Google Play services used to
be pre-installed with your Bluestacks. Now, it is no longer
pre-installed. Rather than some other appstores like 1Mobile and Amazon
are bundled with it. But we cannot neglect Android Market as it is the
most used and friendly-interfaced with Android OS. So, people suffer
from “Market Not Found” error while installing apps on Bluestacks.
But do not worry, here is a step-by-step tutorial to fix Bluestacks Market not found error.
How to Solve Bluestacks Market Not Found Error while installing apps:
There are three ways via which you can solve Bluestacks Market not found error while installing apps:
- Method1: Install Apps directly via APK File
- Download the apk file of the app.
- If it automatically opens with Bluestacks, then click on it.
- Or else, right click on it. Choose “Open With”. Click on “Browse”. Navigate to “C:\Program Files\Bluestacks\HD-ApkHandler.exe” for Windows XP and “C:\Program Files(x86)\Bluestacks\HD-ApkHandler.exe”
- Click on OK.
- It will install the app successfully.
- That’s it. You’re done. Enjoy running the desired app on your Bluestacks.
But the above method was not a proper fix
to this issue. It was just an alternate method to install apps on
Bluestacks. Below are some proper fixes to this error.
- Install the app via Google Play Store
We will be changing the default Bluestacks app store to Google Play store in this method.
- Open Bluestacks. Select “My Apps” or “All Apps” (at top).
- Select “Help” from the list. Now, you will be redirected to Bluestacks help forum webpage.

- At the address bar, change the URL to and press enter.
- Now, you would be asked to choose between browser or Play Store. Choose Play Store and check on “Use by Default for this action”.

- Now, if you have never used any Google services in your Bluestacks then you would be asked for account credentials.
- Enter you Google (gmail) username and password. Press enter.
- That’s it. You’re done. Now, all the installation of apps would open from Google Play Store.
- Install the Google Market Play Store App
As I said, the Google Play services used
to be pre-installed with your Bluestacks. Now, it is no longer
pre-installed. So, you have to install it manually.
- Download the following apps one by one in the given particular order from Google.
1. GoogleServicesFramework.apk
2. SetupWizard.apk
3. Talk.apk
4. Vending.apk
5. Gmail.apk
6. Maps.apk
- Install it as shown in the solution 1.
- Restart Bluestacks.
- Open Google Play Store app. Fill your account details if it is not saved.
- Now, install the apps successfully from Google Market Play Store App.
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